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"I attended the Preventive Intensive course (as a patient and student)summer of 2018 at Bluegrass Preventive Medicine.  This one day, in the office of Dr. Chris Durham, changed my life.  Eugena (my wife) had been a patient of Chris, and she felt it would be a day well spent; I was wondering if it was the best way to spend last weekend of a rare vacation.  I am VERY GLAD we did. I made some great new friends, learned a lot about oral health(from Dr. Tom Larkin) even though I have practiced dentistry for 35 years, obtained information about my own medical status which I believe will extend my life- both in years and quality. In our follow-up consult with Dr. Gina Pritchard I gained insight into ways to deal with major issues discovered the day of the intensive.  Most startling was my vascular age, based on carotid ultrasound. Even though I looked healthy and felt like an able-bodied 62-year-old man,  my future was scary. ......During the past 6 months,  under Dr. Durham's care, I have made changes and feel much better. I have lost 15 pounds and I am exercising 5 days a week, utilizing interval training for the first time in my life.  I am currently gaining help from Dr. Matt Dawson for my 2019 exercise program and plan a century bicycle ride in September. The supplements and other changes have combined to give me energy and improve my outlook. I am so grateful to my wife for her insight, and to Gina, Tom, Chris for their commitment to improving each individual's quality of life and how I have been the beneficiary.  I enjoy romping and playing with my 18-month-old grandson; I plan to be riding a bicycle, hiking, running with him as he grows into a man.


John  Ocull, DMD

“I was very fortunate to attend an amazing two-day event/seminar in Lexington Kentucky hosted by Dr. Tom Larkin, Gina Lou Pritchard Nurse Practitioner, and their teams.  The weekend seminar was a real “eye-opener”, and  I was impressed by the detailed research, yet the simplicity of the implementation process.  I was not only an attendee but a patient as well. The seminar was a combination of lectures, live testimonials, a private consult with Gina - the Nurse Practitioner, blood tests, carotid artery scans and most importantly, a swab of the biofilm in the mouth to identify high-risk microbes which were displayed in a microscope into a large computer screen. Wow!

At that moment, I had an awakening!

I left with a much deeper understanding of the connection between periodontal disease,inflammatory-disease, and cardiovascular diseases.   I attained a conviction of its importance as a diagnostic and educational tool for modern practice.

I am extremely excited to share the benefits of this program with the practices I coach, the patients I treat and in my own personal life.

Thank you for enlightening me!

Roberta Weber R.D.H. B.A.

Practice Development Consultant  -Dental Hygienist 

As health care providers, we all understand that a healthy mouth is a necessary part of a healthy person. The Preventive Intensive fills the knowledge gaps to firmly establish the connection between oral and systemic health. You'll not only understand the concepts, but you'll also leave with an actionable plan to provide top-notch care to your patients. And nothing makes the concepts more real than when you yourself become the patient! The immersive experience helped me understand my own health to a much higher degree and served as a motivation to improve the standard of care for our patients. 


B. Taylor Cox, DMD

Campbellsville Dental Care

I highly recommend Dr. Larkin's Intensive Preventive seminar for anyone interested in a dental wellness practice and how to integrate patient care with someone in the medical community that takes a proactive approach to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and recognizes the significance of the oral-systemic connection. I truly feel that the best learning is through experiencing for yourself the medical and dental screening and the follow up discussion of your own health issues. With this program, you will learn that not only can we help save teeth, you can help save lives.


C  J Richard Jr DDS 


The Larkin Protocol and Dental Phase Contrast Microscopy Training done virtually was first developed by Dr Tom Larkin, founder of The Larkin Protocol. In addition, GBT live treatment, Air Polishing live treatment, GBT (guided biofilm therapy) course, Air Polishing course, GBT e-learning platform, Air Polishing e-learning platform. LHe has developed the first virtual platform for GBT Airflow technology by EMS. The first Woodpecker PT-B e-learning platform. Live training for PT-B Woodpecker. Training on Leica Envision Platform. Live or Virtual training for EMS GBT Airflow and Air Polishing from Woodpecker and other devices takes place on a continual basis in addition to Dr Larkin's annual preventive summit held in Lexington Kentucky in the spring of each year. The Larkin Protocol describes the entire Biofilm Management Program developed by Dr. Larkin and The Larkin Protocol.

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